The organizational structure of RAY GROUP SARL is a reflection and a materialization of its mode of operation; it is made up of departments, sections and units.

Is the center of the company’s financial operations. This department is generally responsible for the daily accounting transactions, feasibility studies, cost studies and accounting and financial control of the company’s branches. This department is composed of three sections:

Purchase and supply



It therefore deals with treasury, imports, staff remuneration, relations with banks, (studies of proposals, rate projections, monitoring of banking operations, management of transfer operations, issuing cheques, negotiations for surety and documentary credits, etc…).

This department is responsible for the management of the operations section which includes car fleet management, garage, stock and the implementation of manoeuver plans that are supported by logistics capabilities.

Resource provisioning, procurement and purchasing activities are also carried out within this department.

Is primarily responsible for scanning the local and regional markets to identify potential business opportunities that are beneficial and adequate to the company’s capabilities and resources.

This department is also responsible for the preparation of offers and customer relations in terms of collecting requests, needs, requirements, etc. Moreover, it identifies, collects, analyzes and transmits any market information regarding competition. Finally, the Commercial Department, together with the QSE section of the Organizational Development Department, seeks to receive and resolve complaints from stakeholders and conducts a biannual satisfaction survey to gather the information needed to further develop the company.

This department has the following sections:

Human Resources Management

Personnel management

QSE management (ISO)

Internal Control (IC)

The technical direction represents the spinal cord of the structure. It is responsible for project planning and project management across its business units. It comprises the following sections:

Electromechanical management

Civil engineering management

Project management

This department has the vital task of offering a quality service in accordance with customer requirements and the clauses of the signed employment contracts.

Represent the essential ”Management” support of the company. It is in this department that the control and general planning of the general management’s activities take place. Its role is to provide all the other company entities with support in terms of information, documentation and follow-up with external stakeholders.

The department’s main activities are human resources management, quality management, management of relations with external stakeholders, occupational health and safety management, environmental management and internal control.